GameEx是一款应用DirectX图形控件开发的多机种模拟器前端,支持的模拟器有MAME, Zinc, Daphne, PC Games等可以使用命令行来运行的模拟器。GameEx特别之处在于运行ROM可以不用切换到模拟器直接在其窗口下就可以观看。新版本更新日志如下:
- Windows 98 revision 1 is no longer supported (SE still is)
- Windows Media Player 9 is now a requirement to install GameEx.
4.80 Attract mode enhancements:
- Can play videos, ie commercials.
recommended with the MAMEWAH commercial pack from http://www.emumovies.com
- Can specify ratio of videos to games
- Can now specify how long each game stays running for
- Jukebox now features visualisations.
- GameX remembers window position after returning from being minimized.
- Should fix GameEx loosing focus on older PC's
- Should fix Mouse not working after ALT-Tabbing and returning to GameEx full screen.
- Fonts are recreated at the correct size when Maximizing and you've told GameEx not to set resolution.
- Gamepad support is turned off when no gamepad found.
This could fix various issues when launching MAME games and other use.
- Emulators are better organised in the config app.
- Attract mode has its own section in config app.
- Windows shortcuts are now supported for emulators. GameEx can read and process the contents of the shortcut file and launch the exe appropriately with support for map keys.