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您现在的位置:下载首页 -> MAME -> MAME 0.100  

软件名称 MAME 0.100
所属分类 MAME
授权方式 共享软件
软件大小 8090KB
运行环境 Win9x/Win200x/WinXP
推荐级别 强烈推荐
更新时间 2005-09-15 14:07:25
文件类型 ZIP
更新人员 lobelia
下载统计 总计:1187


大家欺盼已久的MAME 1.00终于来啦~~~~先别高兴,看清楚点,是0.100,MAME小组将版本号从0.99u10直接跳回0.100版本,这就意味着MAME以后还有很长的道路要走,这次的变动没什么大变化,日志如下:


修正部份游戏当使用低采样率或关闭声音时出现崩溃的问题。[Aaron Giles]

修正以下游戏崩溃问题:[Aaron Giles]
 * Beat Head (video update)
 * Hit Me (graphics decode)
 * Imago (palette setup)
 * Legend of Kage bootlegs (accessing invalid CPU)
 * Rock Climber
 * Speed Attack (palette out of range)

TumblePop driver updates: [David Haywood]
 * split driver into tumblep.c and tumbleb.c
 * tumblep.c runs the original tumble pop sets and use now using
    deco16ic.c for the gfx.
 * tumbleb.c runs the bootlegs and games which use hardware which works
    in a similar way to tumble pop (semicom titles etc.)

Kludged around glitches in Monster World. [David Haywood]

Cross Pang is now using the sprite draw copied from tumbleb.c instead as
the game also seems to be based around Tumble Pop designs, as a result the
'Alpha Blend' bit has been removed and replaced with a flicker sprite bit
like Tumble Pop which looks more correct to me.  Also changed some default
settings. [David Haywood]

Corrected Indian Battle DIP switches. [ShimaPong]

Updated D-Day DIP switches to use conditionals. [James Wallace]

更多Namco的声音/MCU的更新:[R. Belmont]
 * Fixed analog controls for Ridge Racer and Rage Racer
 * Fixed sound/music to play in System 22 games
 * Fully share the sound part of the MCU RAM for System 11. This allows
    games to read back the song names and fixes the sound test menu in
    Tekken and Tekken 2.

G-LOC R360 [Craig Walker]

Rebus [David Haywood]


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